TD Ameritrade Unveils 3 Critical Advisor Initiatives as National Shindig Begins

TD Ameritrade Institutional kicked off its national conference on Thursday morning in San Diego by announcing major new initiatives in three critical areas of interest for advisors: the search for the next generation of advisors; advocacy in Washington for a fiduciary standard, and enhancing its technology offerings to provide more efficiency to RIAs.TDAI President Tom Nally left announced the new programs at the formal opening session of the conference, which TD representatives said had attracted 3,000 attendees who over the course of the three-day conference will hear from Condoleezza Rice, fiscal policy wonks Alan Simpson and Erskine Bowles, and Malcolm Gladwell though truth be told, there’s at least as much buzz about the entertainment at Friday night’s closing gala: Pat Benatar.

via TD Ameritrade Unveils 3 Critical Advisor Initiatives as National Shindig Begins.

For more info see AdvisorOne Article

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